{"version":3,"file":"RadioGroup-05a9fc34.js","sources":["../../../node_modules/@mui/base/useSwitch/useSwitch.js","../../../node_modules/@mui/joy/Alert/alertClasses.js","../../../node_modules/@mui/joy/Alert/Alert.js","../../../node_modules/@mui/joy/Typography/typographyClasses.js","../../../node_modules/@mui/joy/Typography/Typography.js","../../../node_modules/@mui/joy/Radio/radioClasses.js","../../../node_modules/@mui/joy/Radio/Radio.js","../../../node_modules/@mui/joy/RadioGroup/radioGroupClasses.js","../../../node_modules/@mui/joy/RadioGroup/RadioGroup.js"],"sourcesContent":["'use client';\n\nimport _extends from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends\";\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport { unstable_useControlled as useControlled, unstable_useForkRef as useForkRef, unstable_useIsFocusVisible as useIsFocusVisible } from '@mui/utils';\n/**\n * The basic building block for creating custom switches.\n *\n * Demos:\n *\n * - [Switch](https://mui.com/base-ui/react-switch/#hook)\n *\n * API:\n *\n * - [useSwitch API](https://mui.com/base-ui/react-switch/hooks-api/#use-switch)\n */\nexport function useSwitch(props) {\n const {\n checked: checkedProp,\n defaultChecked,\n disabled,\n onBlur,\n onChange,\n onFocus,\n onFocusVisible,\n readOnly,\n required\n } = props;\n const [checked, setCheckedState] = useControlled({\n controlled: checkedProp,\n default: Boolean(defaultChecked),\n name: 'Switch',\n state: 'checked'\n });\n const createHandleInputChange = otherProps => event => {\n var _otherProps$onChange;\n // Workaround for https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/9023\n if (event.nativeEvent.defaultPrevented) {\n return;\n }\n setCheckedState(event.target.checked);\n onChange == null ? void 0 : onChange(event);\n (_otherProps$onChange = otherProps.onChange) == null ? void 0 : _otherProps$onChange.call(otherProps, event);\n };\n const {\n isFocusVisibleRef,\n onBlur: handleBlurVisible,\n onFocus: handleFocusVisible,\n ref: focusVisibleRef\n } = useIsFocusVisible();\n const [focusVisible, setFocusVisible] = React.useState(false);\n if (disabled && focusVisible) {\n setFocusVisible(false);\n }\n React.useEffect(() => {\n isFocusVisibleRef.current = focusVisible;\n }, [focusVisible, isFocusVisibleRef]);\n const inputRef = React.useRef(null);\n const createHandleFocus = otherProps => event => {\n var _otherProps$onFocus;\n // Fix for https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/7769\n if (!inputRef.current) {\n inputRef.current = event.currentTarget;\n }\n handleFocusVisible(event);\n if (isFocusVisibleRef.current === true) {\n setFocusVisible(true);\n onFocusVisible == null ? void 0 : onFocusVisible(event);\n }\n onFocus == null ? void 0 : onFocus(event);\n (_otherProps$onFocus = otherProps.onFocus) == null ? void 0 : _otherProps$onFocus.call(otherProps, event);\n };\n const createHandleBlur = otherProps => event => {\n var _otherProps$onBlur;\n handleBlurVisible(event);\n if (isFocusVisibleRef.current === false) {\n setFocusVisible(false);\n }\n onBlur == null ? void 0 : onBlur(event);\n (_otherProps$onBlur = otherProps.onBlur) == null ? void 0 : _otherProps$onBlur.call(otherProps, event);\n };\n const handleInputRef = useForkRef(focusVisibleRef, inputRef);\n const getInputProps = (otherProps = {}) => _extends({\n checked: checkedProp,\n defaultChecked,\n disabled,\n readOnly,\n ref: handleInputRef,\n required,\n type: 'checkbox'\n }, otherProps, {\n onChange: createHandleInputChange(otherProps),\n onFocus: createHandleFocus(otherProps),\n onBlur: createHandleBlur(otherProps)\n });\n return {\n checked,\n disabled: Boolean(disabled),\n focusVisible,\n getInputProps,\n inputRef: handleInputRef,\n readOnly: Boolean(readOnly)\n };\n}","import { generateUtilityClass, generateUtilityClasses } from '../className';\nexport function getAlertUtilityClass(slot) {\n return generateUtilityClass('MuiAlert', slot);\n}\nconst alertClasses = generateUtilityClasses('MuiAlert', ['root', 'startDecorator', 'endDecorator', 'colorPrimary', 'colorDanger', 'colorNeutral', 'colorSuccess', 'colorWarning', 'colorContext', 'sizeSm', 'sizeMd', 'sizeLg', 'variantPlain', 'variantOutlined', 'variantSoft', 'variantSolid']);\nexport default alertClasses;","'use client';\n\nimport _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose\";\nimport _extends from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends\";\nconst _excluded = [\"children\", \"className\", \"color\", \"invertedColors\", \"role\", \"variant\", \"size\", \"startDecorator\", \"endDecorator\", \"component\", \"slots\", \"slotProps\"];\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport clsx from 'clsx';\nimport { unstable_composeClasses as composeClasses } from '@mui/base';\nimport { unstable_capitalize as capitalize } from '@mui/utils';\nimport styled from '../styles/styled';\nimport useThemeProps from '../styles/useThemeProps';\nimport { ColorInversionProvider, useColorInversion } from '../styles/ColorInversion';\nimport useSlot from '../utils/useSlot';\nimport { getAlertUtilityClass } from './alertClasses';\nimport { resolveSxValue } from '../styles/styleUtils';\nimport { jsx as _jsx } from \"react/jsx-runtime\";\nimport { jsxs as _jsxs } from \"react/jsx-runtime\";\nconst useUtilityClasses = ownerState => {\n const {\n variant,\n color,\n size\n } = ownerState;\n const slots = {\n root: ['root', size && `size${capitalize(size)}`, color && `color${capitalize(color)}`, variant && `variant${capitalize(variant)}`],\n startDecorator: ['startDecorator'],\n endDecorator: ['endDecorator']\n };\n return composeClasses(slots, getAlertUtilityClass, {});\n};\nconst AlertRoot = styled('div', {\n name: 'JoyAlert',\n slot: 'Root',\n overridesResolver: (props, styles) => styles.root\n})(({\n theme,\n ownerState\n}) => {\n var _theme$variants, _theme$colorInversion;\n const {\n p,\n padding,\n borderRadius\n } = resolveSxValue({\n theme,\n ownerState\n }, ['p', 'padding', 'borderRadius']);\n return [_extends({\n '--Alert-radius': theme.vars.radius.sm,\n '--Alert-decoratorChildRadius': 'max((var(--Alert-radius) - var(--variant-borderWidth, 0px)) - var(--Alert-padding), min(var(--Alert-padding) + var(--variant-borderWidth, 0px), var(--Alert-radius) / 2))',\n '--Button-minHeight': 'var(--Alert-decoratorChildHeight)',\n '--IconButton-size': 'var(--Alert-decoratorChildHeight)',\n '--Button-radius': 'var(--Alert-decoratorChildRadius)',\n '--IconButton-radius': 'var(--Alert-decoratorChildRadius)',\n '--Icon-color': 'currentColor'\n }, ownerState.size === 'sm' && {\n '--Alert-padding': '0.5rem',\n '--Alert-decoratorChildHeight': '1.5rem',\n '--Icon-fontSize': theme.vars.fontSize.xl,\n gap: '0.5rem'\n }, ownerState.size === 'md' && {\n '--Alert-padding': '0.75rem',\n '--Alert-decoratorChildHeight': '2rem',\n '--Icon-fontSize': theme.vars.fontSize.xl,\n gap: '0.625rem'\n }, ownerState.size === 'lg' && {\n '--Alert-padding': '1rem',\n '--Alert-decoratorChildHeight': '2.375rem',\n '--Icon-fontSize': theme.vars.fontSize.xl2,\n gap: '0.875rem'\n }, {\n backgroundColor: theme.vars.palette.background.surface,\n display: 'flex',\n position: 'relative',\n alignItems: 'center',\n padding: `var(--Alert-padding)`,\n borderRadius: 'var(--Alert-radius)'\n }, theme.typography[`body-${{\n sm: 'xs',\n md: 'sm',\n lg: 'md'\n }[ownerState.size]}`], {\n fontWeight: theme.vars.fontWeight.md\n }, (_theme$variants = theme.variants[ownerState.variant]) == null ? void 0 : _theme$variants[ownerState.color]), ownerState.color !== 'context' && ownerState.invertedColors && ((_theme$colorInversion = theme.colorInversion[ownerState.variant]) == null ? void 0 : _theme$colorInversion[ownerState.color]), p !== undefined && {\n '--Alert-padding': p\n }, padding !== undefined && {\n '--Alert-padding': padding\n }, borderRadius !== undefined && {\n '--Alert-radius': borderRadius\n }];\n});\nconst AlertStartDecorator = styled('span', {\n name: 'JoyAlert',\n slot: 'StartDecorator',\n overridesResolver: (props, styles) => styles.startDecorator\n})({\n display: 'inherit',\n flex: 'none'\n});\nconst AlertEndDecorator = styled('span', {\n name: 'JoyAlert',\n slot: 'EndDecorator',\n overridesResolver: (props, styles) => styles.endDecorator\n})({\n display: 'inherit',\n flex: 'none',\n marginLeft: 'auto'\n});\n/**\n *\n * Demos:\n *\n * - [Alert](https://mui.com/joy-ui/react-alert/)\n *\n * API:\n *\n * - [Alert API](https://mui.com/joy-ui/api/alert/)\n */\nconst Alert = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Alert(inProps, ref) {\n const props = useThemeProps({\n props: inProps,\n name: 'JoyAlert'\n });\n const {\n children,\n className,\n color: colorProp = 'neutral',\n invertedColors = false,\n role = 'alert',\n variant = 'soft',\n size = 'md',\n startDecorator,\n endDecorator,\n component,\n slots = {},\n slotProps = {}\n } = props,\n other = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(props, _excluded);\n const {\n getColor\n } = useColorInversion(variant);\n const color = getColor(inProps.color, colorProp);\n const ownerState = _extends({}, props, {\n color,\n variant,\n size\n });\n const classes = useUtilityClasses(ownerState);\n const externalForwardedProps = _extends({}, other, {\n component,\n slots,\n slotProps\n });\n const [SlotRoot, rootProps] = useSlot('root', {\n ref,\n className: clsx(classes.root, className),\n elementType: AlertRoot,\n externalForwardedProps,\n ownerState,\n additionalProps: {\n role\n }\n });\n const [SlotStartDecorator, startDecoratorProps] = useSlot('startDecorator', {\n className: classes.startDecorator,\n elementType: AlertStartDecorator,\n externalForwardedProps,\n ownerState\n });\n const [SlotEndDecorator, endDecoratorProps] = useSlot('endDecorator', {\n className: classes.endDecorator,\n elementType: AlertEndDecorator,\n externalForwardedProps,\n ownerState\n });\n const result = /*#__PURE__*/_jsxs(React.Fragment, {\n children: [startDecorator && /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(SlotStartDecorator, _extends({}, startDecoratorProps, {\n children: startDecorator\n })), children, endDecorator && /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(SlotEndDecorator, _extends({}, endDecoratorProps, {\n children: endDecorator\n }))]\n });\n return /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(SlotRoot, _extends({}, rootProps, {\n children: invertedColors ? /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(ColorInversionProvider, {\n variant: variant,\n children: result\n }) : result\n }));\n});\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? Alert.propTypes /* remove-proptypes */ = {\n // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------\n // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |\n // | To update them edit TypeScript types and run \"yarn proptypes\" |\n // ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n /**\n * @ignore\n */\n children: PropTypes.node,\n /**\n * @ignore\n */\n className: PropTypes.string,\n /**\n * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.\n * @default 'neutral'\n */\n color: PropTypes /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */.oneOfType([PropTypes.oneOf(['danger', 'neutral', 'primary', 'success', 'warning']), PropTypes.string]),\n /**\n * The component used for the root node.\n * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.\n */\n component: PropTypes.elementType,\n /**\n * Element placed after the children.\n */\n endDecorator: PropTypes.node,\n /**\n * If `true`, the children with an implicit color prop invert their colors to match the component's variant and color.\n * @default false\n */\n invertedColors: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * The ARIA role attribute of the element.\n * @default 'alert'\n */\n role: PropTypes.string,\n /**\n * The size of the component.\n * @default 'md'\n */\n size: PropTypes /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */.oneOfType([PropTypes.oneOf(['sm', 'md', 'lg']), PropTypes.string]),\n /**\n * The props used for each slot inside.\n * @default {}\n */\n slotProps: PropTypes.shape({\n endDecorator: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]),\n root: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]),\n startDecorator: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object])\n }),\n /**\n * The components used for each slot inside.\n * @default {}\n */\n slots: PropTypes.shape({\n endDecorator: PropTypes.elementType,\n root: PropTypes.elementType,\n startDecorator: PropTypes.elementType\n }),\n /**\n * Element placed before the children.\n */\n startDecorator: PropTypes.node,\n /**\n * The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles.\n */\n sx: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object, PropTypes.bool])), PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]),\n /**\n * The [global variant](https://mui.com/joy-ui/main-features/global-variants/) to use.\n * @default 'soft'\n */\n variant: PropTypes /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */.oneOfType([PropTypes.oneOf(['outlined', 'plain', 'soft', 'solid']), PropTypes.string])\n} : void 0;\nexport default Alert;","import { generateUtilityClass, generateUtilityClasses } from '../className';\nexport function getTypographyUtilityClass(slot) {\n return generateUtilityClass('MuiTypography', slot);\n}\nconst typographyClasses = generateUtilityClasses('MuiTypography', ['root', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'title-lg', 'title-md', 'title-sm', 'body-lg', 'body-md', 'body-sm', 'body-xs', 'noWrap', 'gutterBottom', 'startDecorator', 'endDecorator', 'colorPrimary', 'colorNeutral', 'colorDanger', 'colorSuccess', 'colorWarning', 'colorContext', 'variantPlain', 'variantOutlined', 'variantSoft', 'variantSolid']);\nexport default typographyClasses;","'use client';\n\nimport _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose\";\nimport _extends from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends\";\nconst _excluded = [\"color\", \"textColor\"],\n _excluded2 = [\"component\", \"gutterBottom\", \"noWrap\", \"level\", \"levelMapping\", \"children\", \"endDecorator\", \"startDecorator\", \"variant\", \"slots\", \"slotProps\"];\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport { unstable_capitalize as capitalize, unstable_isMuiElement as isMuiElement } from '@mui/utils';\nimport { unstable_extendSxProp as extendSxProp } from '@mui/system';\nimport { unstable_composeClasses as composeClasses } from '@mui/base/composeClasses';\nimport styled from '../styles/styled';\nimport useThemeProps from '../styles/useThemeProps';\nimport { useColorInversion } from '../styles/ColorInversion';\nimport useSlot from '../utils/useSlot';\nimport { getTypographyUtilityClass } from './typographyClasses';\nimport { jsx as _jsx } from \"react/jsx-runtime\";\nimport { jsxs as _jsxs } from \"react/jsx-runtime\";\n/**\n * @internal\n * For creating nested Typography to have inherit level (unless an explicit `level` prop is provided)\n * and change the HTML tag to `span` (unless an explicit `component` prop is provided).\n */\nexport const TypographyNestedContext = /*#__PURE__*/React.createContext(false);\n\n/**\n * @internal\n * Typography's level will be inherit within this context unless an explicit `level` prop is provided.\n *\n * This is used in components, e.g. Table, to inherit the parent's size by default.\n */\nexport const TypographyInheritContext = /*#__PURE__*/React.createContext(false);\nconst useUtilityClasses = ownerState => {\n const {\n gutterBottom,\n noWrap,\n level,\n color,\n variant\n } = ownerState;\n const slots = {\n root: ['root', level, gutterBottom && 'gutterBottom', noWrap && 'noWrap', color && `color${capitalize(color)}`, variant && `variant${capitalize(variant)}`],\n startDecorator: ['startDecorator'],\n endDecorator: ['endDecorator']\n };\n return composeClasses(slots, getTypographyUtilityClass, {});\n};\nconst StartDecorator = styled('span', {\n name: 'JoyTypography',\n slot: 'StartDecorator',\n overridesResolver: (props, styles) => styles.startDecorator\n})({\n display: 'inline-flex',\n marginInlineEnd: 'clamp(4px, var(--Typography-gap, 0.375em), 0.75rem)'\n});\nconst EndDecorator = styled('span', {\n name: 'JoyTypography',\n slot: 'endDecorator',\n overridesResolver: (props, styles) => styles.endDecorator\n})({\n display: 'inline-flex',\n marginInlineStart: 'clamp(4px, var(--Typography-gap, 0.375em), 0.75rem)'\n});\nconst TypographyRoot = styled('span', {\n name: 'JoyTypography',\n slot: 'Root',\n overridesResolver: (props, styles) => styles.root\n})(({\n theme,\n ownerState\n}) => {\n var _theme$typography, _theme$typography$own, _theme$typography$own2, _theme$vars$palette$o, _theme$variants$owner;\n const lineHeight = ownerState.level !== 'inherit' ? (_theme$typography = theme.typography[ownerState.level]) == null ? void 0 : _theme$typography.lineHeight : '1';\n return _extends({\n '--Icon-fontSize': `calc(1em * ${lineHeight})`\n }, ownerState.color && {\n '--Icon-color': 'currentColor'\n }, {\n margin: 'var(--Typography-margin, 0px)'\n }, ownerState.nesting ? {\n display: 'inline' // looks better than `inline-block` when using with `variant` prop.\n } : _extends({\n display: 'block'\n }, ownerState.unstable_hasSkeleton && {\n position: 'relative'\n }), (ownerState.startDecorator || ownerState.endDecorator) && _extends({\n display: 'flex',\n alignItems: 'center'\n }, ownerState.nesting && _extends({\n display: 'inline-flex'\n }, ownerState.startDecorator && {\n verticalAlign: 'bottom' // to make the text align with the parent's content\n })), ownerState.level && ownerState.level !== 'inherit' && theme.typography[ownerState.level], {\n fontSize: `var(--Typography-fontSize, ${ownerState.level && ownerState.level !== 'inherit' ? (_theme$typography$own = (_theme$typography$own2 = theme.typography[ownerState.level]) == null ? void 0 : _theme$typography$own2.fontSize) != null ? _theme$typography$own : 'inherit' : 'inherit'})`\n }, ownerState.noWrap && {\n overflow: 'hidden',\n textOverflow: 'ellipsis',\n whiteSpace: 'nowrap'\n }, ownerState.gutterBottom && {\n marginBottom: '0.35em'\n }, ownerState.color && ownerState.color !== 'context' && {\n color: `rgba(${(_theme$vars$palette$o = theme.vars.palette[ownerState.color]) == null ? void 0 : _theme$vars$palette$o.mainChannel} / 1)`\n }, ownerState.variant && _extends({\n borderRadius: theme.vars.radius.xs,\n paddingBlock: 'min(0.1em, 4px)',\n paddingInline: '0.25em'\n }, !ownerState.nesting && {\n marginInline: '-0.25em'\n }, (_theme$variants$owner = theme.variants[ownerState.variant]) == null ? void 0 : _theme$variants$owner[ownerState.color]));\n});\nconst defaultVariantMapping = {\n h1: 'h1',\n h2: 'h2',\n h3: 'h3',\n h4: 'h4',\n 'title-lg': 'p',\n 'title-md': 'p',\n 'title-sm': 'p',\n 'body-lg': 'p',\n 'body-md': 'p',\n 'body-sm': 'p',\n 'body-xs': 'span',\n inherit: 'p'\n};\n/**\n *\n * Demos:\n *\n * - [Skeleton](https://mui.com/joy-ui/react-skeleton/)\n * - [Typography](https://mui.com/joy-ui/react-typography/)\n *\n * API:\n *\n * - [Typography API](https://mui.com/joy-ui/api/typography/)\n */\nconst Typography = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Typography(inProps, ref) {\n const _useThemeProps = useThemeProps({\n props: inProps,\n name: 'JoyTypography'\n }),\n {\n color: colorProp,\n textColor\n } = _useThemeProps,\n themeProps = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_useThemeProps, _excluded);\n const nesting = React.useContext(TypographyNestedContext);\n const inheriting = React.useContext(TypographyInheritContext);\n const props = extendSxProp(_extends({}, themeProps, {\n color: textColor\n }));\n const {\n component: componentProp,\n gutterBottom = false,\n noWrap = false,\n level: levelProp = 'body-md',\n levelMapping = defaultVariantMapping,\n children,\n endDecorator,\n startDecorator,\n variant,\n slots = {},\n slotProps = {}\n } = props,\n other = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(props, _excluded2);\n const {\n getColor\n } = useColorInversion(variant);\n const color = getColor(inProps.color, variant ? colorProp != null ? colorProp : 'neutral' : colorProp);\n const level = nesting || inheriting ? inProps.level || 'inherit' : levelProp;\n const hasSkeleton = isMuiElement(children, ['Skeleton']);\n const component = componentProp || (nesting ? 'span' : levelMapping[level] || defaultVariantMapping[level] || 'span');\n const ownerState = _extends({}, props, {\n level,\n component,\n color,\n gutterBottom,\n noWrap,\n nesting,\n variant,\n unstable_hasSkeleton: hasSkeleton\n });\n const classes = useUtilityClasses(ownerState);\n const externalForwardedProps = _extends({}, other, {\n component,\n slots,\n slotProps\n });\n const [SlotRoot, rootProps] = useSlot('root', {\n ref,\n className: classes.root,\n elementType: TypographyRoot,\n externalForwardedProps,\n ownerState\n });\n const [SlotStartDecorator, startDecoratorProps] = useSlot('startDecorator', {\n className: classes.startDecorator,\n elementType: StartDecorator,\n externalForwardedProps,\n ownerState\n });\n const [SlotEndDecorator, endDecoratorProps] = useSlot('endDecorator', {\n className: classes.endDecorator,\n elementType: EndDecorator,\n externalForwardedProps,\n ownerState\n });\n return /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(TypographyNestedContext.Provider, {\n value: true,\n children: /*#__PURE__*/_jsxs(SlotRoot, _extends({}, rootProps, {\n children: [startDecorator && /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(SlotStartDecorator, _extends({}, startDecoratorProps, {\n children: startDecorator\n })), hasSkeleton ? /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(children, {\n variant: children.props.variant || 'inline'\n }) : children, endDecorator && /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(SlotEndDecorator, _extends({}, endDecoratorProps, {\n children: endDecorator\n }))]\n }))\n });\n});\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? Typography.propTypes /* remove-proptypes */ = {\n // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------\n // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |\n // | To update them edit TypeScript types and run \"yarn proptypes\" |\n // ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n /**\n * The content of the component.\n */\n children: PropTypes.node,\n /**\n * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.\n */\n color: PropTypes /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */.oneOfType([PropTypes.oneOf(['danger', 'neutral', 'primary', 'success', 'warning']), PropTypes.string]),\n /**\n * The component used for the root node.\n * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.\n */\n component: PropTypes.elementType,\n /**\n * Element placed after the children.\n */\n endDecorator: PropTypes.node,\n /**\n * If `true`, the text will have a bottom margin.\n * @default false\n */\n gutterBottom: PropTypes.bool,\n /**\n * Applies the theme typography styles.\n * @default 'body-md'\n */\n level: PropTypes /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */.oneOfType([PropTypes.oneOf(['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'title-lg', 'title-md', 'title-sm', 'body-lg', 'body-md', 'body-sm', 'body-xs', 'inherit']), PropTypes.string]),\n /**\n * The component maps the variant prop to a range of different HTML element types.\n * For instance, body1 to `