{\n setSelectedId({\n id: garage.id,\n lat: garage.lat,\n lng: garage.lng,\n })\n // Center card on mobile\n if (window.innerWidth < 900) {\n map.panTo({ lat: garage.lat, lng: garage.lng })\n }\n }}\n zIndex={\n selectedId?.id === garage.id ? 20 :\n garage.available ? 10 : 5\n }\n >\n setHoverPoint({\n id: garage.id,\n lat: garage.lat,\n lng: garage.lng,\n })}\n onMouseLeave={() =>setHoverPoint(null)}\n >\n {selectedId?.id !== garage.id &&\n {loadingGarageAvailability || garage.available ? garagePrice :\n garage.availableLater ? t('general.fromEighteen') : t('general.occupiedShort')}\n \n }\n {selectedId?.id === garage.id &&\n \n }\n
\n \n )\n }\n })}\n >\n )\n}\n\nfunction Marker({\n map,\n children,\n position,\n zIndex,\n onClick,\n}) {\n const markerRef = useRef()\n const rootRef = useRef()\n \n // biome-ignore lint: useEffect deps\n useEffect(() => {\n if (!rootRef.current) {\n const container = document.createElement(\"div\")\n // @ts-ignore: 'rootRef.current' is possibly 'undefined'.\n rootRef.current = createRoot(container)\n\n // The following two lines are related to beta release that stopped working properly on 4th Jan 2024\n // AdvancedMarkerView has been renamed to AdvancedMarkerElement\n // @ts-ignore: Property 'AdvancedMarkerView' does not exist on type 'typeof marker'.\n // markerRef.current = new google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerView({\n markerRef.current = new google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement({\n position,\n content: container,\n zIndex,\n })\n }\n }, [])\n\n // biome-ignore lint: useEffect deps\n useEffect(() => {\n // @ts-ignore: 'rootRef.current' is possibly 'undefined'.\n rootRef.current.render(children)\n // @ts-ignore: 'markerRef.current' is possibly 'undefined'.\n markerRef.current.position = position\n // @ts-ignore: 'markerRef.current' is possibly 'undefined'.\n markerRef.current.zIndex = zIndex\n // @ts-ignore: 'markerRef.current' is possibly 'undefined'.\n markerRef.current.map = map\n // @ts-ignore: 'markerRef.current' is possibly 'undefined'.\n const listener = markerRef.current.addListener(\"click\", onClick)\n return () => listener.remove()\n }, [map, position, zIndex, children])\n\n useEffect(() => {\n return () => {\n // @ts-ignore: 'markerRef.current' is possibly 'undefined'.\n markerRef.current.map = null\n }\n }, [])\n\n return (\n <>\n >\n )\n}","import React from 'react'\nimport Box from '@mui/joy/Box'\nimport Slider from '@mui/joy/Slider'\nimport Input from '@mui/joy/Input'\nimport Typography from '@mui/joy/Typography'\nimport { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'\n\nexport default function PriceSlider({\n currency,\n minValue,\n maxValue,\n min,\n max,\n handleSlideMinMax,\n handleChange,\n}:{\n currency: string,\n minValue: number | null,\n maxValue: number | null,\n min: number,\n max: number,\n handleSlideMinMax: (event: Event, value: number | number[], activeThumb: number) => void,\n handleChange: any,\n}) {\n\n const { t } = useTranslation()\n\n function valueText(value: number) {\n return `${value} ${currency}`\n }\n\n return (\n