City Tower - Pankrác header

City Tower - Pankrác

The minimal length of reservation in this location is 12 hours.
  • Repeated entry and exit
  • Instructions in email and SMS
  • Easy cancellation and change of the reservation


Hvězdova 1689/2a, Praha 4

GPS: 50.0509564, 14.4361698

Maximum dimensions

  • Length

    5,0 m
  • Width

  • Height



  • Non-stop operation

  • Non-stop reception

  • You open the gate with your phone

  • 5 minutes from city centre

  • CCTV

  • Tram nearby

  • Metro nearby

  • WC


  • LPG and CNG not allowed

About the parking

The City Tower Garage at Hvězdova 1689/2a offers hassle-free and reliable parking in the office complex of Prague Pankrác. Park conveniently right next to the Shopping Center Arkády Pankrác  and the Metro Station C "Pankrác".

Garage Access
After completing your reservation, you will receive phone numbers via email and SMS. By calling these numbers during your reservation, you will open the entrance or exit barrier. The line may be busy or unavailable, so do not end the call until the barrier opens. The call to open the barrier is free. The barrier will only open if you call from the phone numbers you entered in the reservation.

To exit the garage, use the marked doors and the personal elevator to the reception. To pick up your car, use the main entrance to the City Tower reception and take the elevator down to the garage.

To open the entrance/exit barriers, you can also use the MR.PARKIT app:

You can enter and exit the garage multiple times during your reservation.
Motorcycle parking is allowed (max. 2 motorcycles per space).

Is the garage full for your chosen time or does its size not suit your needs? Try other nearby locations, such as:

Parking Podolská 759

Motorcycle parking is also allowed at this garage.


299 Kč 
299 Kč 
The minimal length of reservation in this location is 12 hours.
  • Repeated entry and exit
  • Instructions in email and SMS
  • Easy cancellation and change of the reservation